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Mots-clés archivés: CliffHill venue

Wedding at Le Belvédère – Mariah & David

I am bursting with excitement to tell you about this wedding. It was an absolute dream! Mariah and David tied the knot at the stunning Le Belvedere, and let me tell you, it was pure magic. I cannot even begin to express how much I adore these two lovebirds. Seriously, my heart is overflowing with joy!

From the moment I met Mariah and David, I could see just how much they adored each other. Their love radiated…

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  • Karyn ChabotLes photos sont remplis d’émotions palpables et l’esthétique est juste wow! Bravo! 26 juillet 2023 – 4:44 pmRépondreAnnuler