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Mariage / Wedding – Shippagan, New Brunswick, Stephie & Fred

Stephie, Fred et leur 2 beaux enfants se sont dit oui le 30 juillet dernier dans le patelin d’origine de la belle Stephie, à Shippagan, en Acadie .
Ce fut magique! Je suis litéralement tombé en amour avec la région et les gens.  Quelle belle expérience!
Comme nous y étions pour quelques jours, nous en avons meme profiter pour se lever à 5h00 du matin afin de réaliser un trash the dress dans la mer à Lamèque.

La mer, la plage, les superbes décors, les gens, tout! J’ai beaucoup trop de coup de coeur!

Stephie & Fred: Un énorme merci de m’avoir permis de vous accompagner dans cette superbe aventure, qui restera à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire!
Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde!


Voici donc un  »gros » aperçu de leur journée de rêve!


genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church  genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, churchgenevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, churchgenevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, église, church   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,  genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,


genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,


genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,  genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,


genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagangenevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, lamèque, plage, beach,

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan

genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagangenevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan   genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, aquarium shippagan




Le trash the dres:


trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,

trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,

trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,

trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer, trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,   trash the dress, genevieve albert photographe, mariage, wedding, shippagan, new brunswick, ottawa, photographer,

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